Harvard Club Brownbagger on Homelessness in Hawaii
Bring your guests and join us on Tuesday, Feb. 16th for an intimate look at our homeless dilemma. Our speaker will be Jerry Coffee, the Clinical Director of The Institute for Human Services, the “oldest, largest and most comprehensive human services agency focused exclusively on ending and preventing homelessness in Hawaii.” IHS provides shelter to over 300 single men, woman and families each night, serves over 700 meals per day and is managed by over 100 employees, who also provide oversight for mental health, medical and outreach services and housing placement and employment training programs.
Since he’s "in the trenches” on a daily basis, Jerry is in a unique position to assess where we are, and what the prospects are for making things better. A Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW), Jerry’s career has taken him into crisis management, case management, private and group therapy practice, employee assistance services, and more. He has also worked to develop mental health curricula for Kamehameha Schools Bishop estate and, together with his wife Allana Coffee, PhD, has published and provided statewide training to educators on violence prevention manuals and techniques for the Department of Education and private schools.aii
Please email me if you’re coming!
Date: Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Time: Noon - 1:30 pm
Place: The Ohana Room at Architects Hawaii, Ltd, through the courtesy of Harvard Club member David Miller. It's on the 29th floor (note change) of the Makai Tower of Pacific Guardian Center, 733 Bishop Street.
Cost: FREE
Lunch: Bring your own sandwich, bento, beverage, etc.
RSVP by email to arkie@arkoehl.com