Harvard Club Brownbagger — Recent Trends in Populism, Nationalism…and Anti-Semitism. Coincidence?
Bring your guests and join us on Thursday, Sept. 19th for a provocative look at anti-semitism amid rising populism and nationalism, both here and abroad. A previous Harvard Club speaker will provide historical perspective on contemporary anti-semitic ideas, policies and actions, most particularly, but not exclusively, in the United States and Europe.
Dr. Peter H. Hoffenberg is Associate Professor of History at the University of Hawai'i, Manoa, where he has taught for nearly 25 years. Dr. Hoffenberg's courses include World History, Modern Britain, The British Empire and Modern Europe. He has published scholarly works on international exhibitions, the history of science, traditional Indian Art, and John Lockwood Kipling, Rudyard's far-less famous father. He is Faculty Advisor for Hillel Hawaii and the Coordinator of the U H Fund for the Promotion of Jewish Life and Studies. Dr. Hoffenberg is also active in the local Jewish community, serving as the Facilitator of the Jewish Community Relations Board and as one of the coordinators for the annual Yom HaShoah Memorial Service.
Date: Thursday, September 19, 2019
Time: Noon - 1:30 pm
Place: The Ohana Room at Architects Hawaii, Ltd, through the courtesy of Harvard Club member David Miller. It's on the 29th floor of the Makai Tower of Pacific Guardian Center, 733 Bishop Street.
Cost: FREE
Lunch: Bring your own sandwich, bento, beverage, etc.
RSVP: by email to arkie@arkoehl.com